Monday, 21 May 2012


When traveling it is very hard not get stressed unless you fly very often.
There are many factor to consider when traveling, is there going to be someone waiting for you when you get to your destination? are you staying with friends or family or maybe in a hotel? how much money will you need? what time do I need to be at the airport? and so many things to consider...
The best to do is ti have everything well planed work out how much money you will need and then be ready to spend double just in case.
Have you flight itinerary printed out and with you. Make it to the airport 3 hours before your flight to have enough time to sort out any problems.
And if you feel afraid of flying then you will be better of on an isle seat and think it is a bus ride.

Once the plane is at cruising altitude you are allowed to walk around or stand in a designated area, i also recommend listening to some music, this way you don't hear the noises of the engines.

Don't be afraid to talk to the person seating beside you if you are traveling alone, its feels good to let someone know your afraid and they might have some pointers on how to relax.

Do not get drunk before a flight or during a flight, for one thing the airline might not let you on board the aircraft and also you will be very dehidrated since the air inside the plane is very dry and the alcohol dehydrates your body you will feel very bad once you get to your destination.
You may also feel the need to get drunk everytime you fly, so it is best not to do so!
If yopu have any ideas as to might help you get through a flight please share!!
 <a href="">Hyper Smash</a>

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